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Best Farm Forester Award - Vivian Barr

Pivotal in creating solutions to the environmental challenges the dairy sector faces, Farm Forester Vivian Barr is the 2022 Best Farm Forester Award recipient at the Central North island Wood Council Awards.

Vivian has gained a good understanding of the role forestry can play. She has amazing energy and abilities, always ready to do the right thing.

In the mid-1980s she planted areas of pines, eucalyptus, acacia, and cypresses.

These are an established farm forestry model where the landscape forms a mosaic of land uses and retains the flat land for grazing.

The house built on the property showcases eucalypt and cypress timber.

Further plantings 10 years ago in indigenous species included under plantings of flaxes and hebes. She has also established a joint venture that was a harvested pine block of 112ha and some 15ha of this block has been left to revert to indigenous species, approximately 18 ha have been put into a QE II Trust block, and the remainder have been planted in pine.

This area is registered in the ETS and carbon units will potentially be used to offset Dairy emissions.

Congratulations Vivian Barr – Te Tiringa Farms, Best Farm Forester Award recipient at the Central North island Wood Council Awards.