The voice of forestry contractors
since 2002

FICA is a membership based organisation representing the voice of New Zealand forestry contractors. Formed in 2002, FICA currently has approximately 240 member companies and associate members in harvesting, silviculture, civil and roading.

Panel only seen by widget owner
member companies
of the national log cut represented
regions represented
log export earnings in 2021

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FICA E-newsletter - February 2025

In our first FICA update for 2025, we're covering: Market Update  Tairawhiti Contractors Meeting 11 February  GDC Councillors Hear Contractor's Voice  Immigration NZ Settings  FICA Board MeetingRead more

Insurance designed by FICA contractors, for FICA contractors

Starting out as a family-owned New Zealand business 26 years ago, TLC Insurance has had a strong connection with forestry from the start. Original owner and TLC Insurance founder Keith Penny hadRead more

GDC Hear Contractors Voice

FICA hosted a number of GDC Councillors at Stirling Logging in forest near Wharerata (located just in the Hawkes Bay) this month. There was good engagement with the Councillors, who seemedRead more

ACOP Review Update February 2025

In mid-January WorkSafe released an updated draft of the ACoP with a plan to have the new ACoP rolled out by March 2025.   There were several major changes: It was written for PCBUs rather thanRead more

Immigration NZ Settings

FICA submitted a joint submission with FOA on 11 October 2024. The Government announced changes 22 December. The changes move the needle in the right direction for a lot of employers, but it won’t Read more

Tairawhiti Contractors Meeting 11 February

Another meeting was held with Tairawhiti Contractors in Gisborne on 11 February. Unfortunately, the GDC compliance team for good reason were unable to present at the meeting and have taken a rain cheRead more

Market Update February 2025

In summary the market is still delicately balanced between supply and demand. The Chinese market is starting to get back into gear after Chinese New Year (CNY), inventory has grown from around 3Read more

Immigration NZ Roundup - January 2025

Here is the latest Immigration Roundup from Immigration NZ.Read more

FICA E-newsletter - December 2024

In our last FICA update for 2024, we're covering: Market Update  Waitomo Fuel Outlook  Tairawhiti Contractors Meeting 27 November  Earthwork Qualifications - Unit Standards  ACOP Review gets theRead more

ACOP Review FICA Only Workshop

As you are aware FISC, FICA and FOA had the opportunity to co-host the Hon Brooke van Velden Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety in Rotorua as part of the recent Health and Safety ReformRead more

FSC Audit Feedback Requests

As you may be aware a significant proportion of the NZ Forest Estate is FSC certified. Of the 1,757,451 net stocked area, 1,186,776 or 67% is certified. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is anRead more

Earthworks Qualifications Standards

FICA met with the GDC to discuss environmental accreditation of contractors and training of operators potentially using the new earthworks standards currently being developed. The standards areRead more

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Gain a SEAT AT THE TABLE with FICA representing you 

Be AFFILIATED with an organisation that's leading the way in our industry

Access TOOLS, RESOURCES, INFORMATION & SUPPORT relevant to your business 

Get a range of DISCOUNTS, OFFERS & DEALS as part of our awesome member package