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WorkSafe Strategy Release

The WorkSafe strategy was officially launched mid-May. Some points of note:

  • WorkSafe is committed to work with the forest industry to update the approved code of practice. This is good news for the industry and FICA is intimately involved in this process.

  • The forest industry is identified as one of four industries the strategy is targeted at, in particular with regard to acute harm. The key risks being vehicles and machinery, falls from heights, falling and moving objects, electrical and chemical hazards. 

  • The strategy also notes that the fatality rate in forestry and logging is nearly 20 times higher than the average for all industries hence the focus.

At a high level, the strategy seems well thought out, but like a lot of things, the devil will be in the detail and ultimately how it is implemented on the ground throughout different regions.

Work is currently underway to develop more detailed plans for WorkSafe’s priority sectors, including forestry, and these will also be shared as they are finalised.